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Writer's pictureFiras Aouinet

The Whole 30 Diet Overview

the whole30 diet was created back in 2009 by husband and wife, Melissa and Dallas Hartwig. This dietary regimen spawned from the need to pinpoint the reasons behind some of our ailments. Allergies, belly aches, bloating, discomfort, etc… Are usually the byproduct of what we put in our bodies. 

For that matter, in an attempt to nutritiously reset the metabolism, certain food categories are to be eliminated and others ae encouraged to be consumed. The list is thorough, and not devoid of exceptions like everything else in life. The list is the following:

MSG: Monosodium Glutamate is a flavor enhancer

Carrageenan is an additive used to thicken, emulsify, and preserve foods and drinks

Sulfites: Substances usually found in food but are also used as regulated food additives.

Luckily, participants get a cheat sheet of exceptions to the restrictions listed above and it is the following:

  • Some legumes: Green beans, sugar snap peas, and snow peas. The reason why they’re excluded is because they’re considered more of a “pod” than “bean”.

  • Fruit Juice: the husband and wife noticed that some recipes require fruit juice as either a natural sweetener or a stand-alone ingredient, but they also found the need to draw the line somewhere (too many restrictions). 

  • All form of vinegar except malt vinegar (generally contains gluten)

  • Salt: iodized table salt contains sugar. That’s an unknown fact. Since restaurant food and pre-packaged food contain salt, the creators of the diet put salt as an exception

  • Ghee/clarified butter: The dairy category exception. The milk protein (casein) existent in non-clarified butter would sabotage the diet’s results.  

  • Coconut Aminos: naturally fermented soy sauce substitute. 

As it is suggested by the name, this diet is in the form of a 30-days challenge during which individuals undergoing the challenge are not allowed to hop on a scale or take any measurements until the end of the designated period. 


Obviously, weight loss is excepted with a clean diet such as whole30. Getting rid of allergens and food that is proven to cause diseases helps reset the bodily functions, boost the immune system, and lower the risk illnesses. 

Eating whole and unprocessed food has a way with cleaning up the body from toxins. It is shown through healthier skin and a healthier-looking body. 

Subjects who underwent the diet reported that they felt happier, sleep better, and performed athletically better.

Also, the pain of counting calories is eliminated from the equation since the one of the rules forbids it.


The biggest gaps in this diet is the elimination of dairy, legumes, and grains. Dairy presents the body with protein and calcium. While protein can be obtained from meat, fish, and eggs, calcium cannot. Also, legumes and grains contain minerals, vitamins, and fiber all needed for a balanced well-being. 

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